Hypertension is a common health problem in Hong Kong as well as the rest of the world. According to the population health survey 2003-2004 carried out by the Hong Kong Department of Health, 27% of the population aged 15 or above has hypertension. The percentage increased to 73% for those aged 75 or above.

The main health hazard lies in the complications of hypertension, namely: stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. With timely treatment of the hypertension, the complications can be prevented or reduced.

Hypertension and kidney damage are related to each other.  Kidney damage causes hypertension and hypertension in turn causes kidney failure.  They thus form a vicious cycle.

The Hypertension Hong Kong Team is a group of volunteers from the medical and nursing profession with the aim to increase hypertension awareness and management.  Click here to see their activities.

Early detection of hypertension

9671ff_ddd90690d9845c27d78599eaea022263Dr Ho Chung PIng explained in RTHK 健康你我他

on 4th April, 2013 that hypertension usually does not cause any symptoms. However, it causes complications like stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. By the time such complications occurs, it is already too late.

Dr Ho recommended people to have their blood pressure checked at home. Hypertension is said to occur if the the blood pressure is >14//90

If any abnormalities are detected, they should consult their own doctor.


Dr Ho Chung Ping took part in the Backchat discussion in RTHK 3 on 12 April, 2013

9671ff_cd4f22a5d6328bcbd62a46e5eb544f33On Backchat, we’ll be turning our attention to health and talking about hypertension. How can we tell if we have hypertension? What are the reasons – stress, diet or genes? And how can we tackle it?

Hypertension Lecture
Blood Pressure